Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Making a Suppressor

A lot of people have purchased thread adapters to permit the use of an oil filtration system as a “solvent trap”.  The problem is that this adapter may also be used which is often designed to be used to create a suppressor.   The resellers on ebay who sold these adapters have all appeared to have disappeared and many of their customers are confirming being contacted by local ATF brokers to gather the parts they purchased.Recently we’ve had several clients contact us about purchasing these “solvent trap parts” and using them to make a Suppressor with a Form 1.  Seemingly there exists someone marketing these parts including baffles as a solvent snare to be used for gun cleaning.  It could not surprise me, if ATF shut down the power of companies to market parts as cleaning kits or solvent traps and then started targeting the customers of these parts in quite similar way as the ATF continues to get hold of the customers of the companies who previously sol

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