Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Clarifying the issues surrounding gun-mounted lights

At Team One Network, in addition to through the PoliceOne Training Advisory Board, we have been asked many times about firearm-mounted lights and their use. In a recent Cops One survey, almost half the more than 1,100 officers polled worked in agencies that permitted the use of weapons-mounted lights. Indeed, one of the reasons for writing this article would be to help law enforcement officers and administrators in choices about buying, training and authorizing the use of firearm-mounted lights.Here’s the conclusion we have reached:The gun-mounted light enhances an officer’s ability to identify and engage a target IF THE OFFICER HAS JUSTIFICATION/CAUSE TO HAVE THEIR GUN DRAWN IN THE FIRST PLACE.A firearm-mounted light is not an illumination tool; consider it to be an element of a law-enforcement weapons system.Thus, we at Team One strongly recommend that policemen who install lights designed to be mounted to a pistol purchase a holster to accommodate the pistol with the li

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