Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Home Eco-Décor Ideas

With time, environmental-awareness has become an inevitable part of our lives. When we buy domestic appliances we look at the Energy Star label, we get the funny spiral energy-efficient light bulbs and we single out the waste to recycle it. Home eco-decor is a relatively new concept that has also gained popularity. Here are some thoughts that will help you present eco-decor to your home:When you start remodeling your home, or you are moving into a new one, you can easily upgrade it and use environmentally-friendly materials at the same time. The sheer functionality of the organic cotton, the pure sophistication, and easiness of the bamboo, as well as the creativity, put in the recycled items will compliment your interior design and reflect your desire to live green. The serenity of butterfly decorations is of no exception.Cotton:According to painters & decorators, organic cotton costs twice the conventional cotton, yet its cost is well deserved, since it has been grown without the use

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