Sunday, May 22, 2016

Doing Business with a Class 3 Weapons License

With all of the chaos in Washington these days, a lot of folks are wondering about their second amendment rights and what the future may hold. One area in particular is the owning and selling of firearms that classify under the NFA or National Firearms Act. The NFA was enacted on June 26, 1934 soon after the repeal of prohibition. The GCA or Gun Control Act of 1968 alters and adds to the initial act of 1934. Both of these laws impose a statutory excise tax on the production and transfer of all firearms recorded. In addition they mandate the registration of these firearms and their owners. The procedure for filing the paperwork for a class 3 weapon can be confusing and hard. These firearms listed must be obtained through the national government procedure:· Short Barreled Rifles – Short Barreled Rifles which demand a Class 3 (SOT) regulation are any rifle where the barrel of the gun is less than 16 inches long or the overall length of the weapon is less than 26 inches.· Suppressor

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